November 11th is a day set down by history to be remembered–the day a four-year-nightmare was ended by the strokes of a pen.
Battle Won
My heart reeked of battles fought— Fought on my own. My mind reeled with shaken thoughts; My whole soul groaned. I could not win, my foe would not Accept defeat. Shattered now, the peace I…
It’s hard to believe I can write that. I’ve imagined it for so long, and now that the time has come, I feel like I have no words. But there it is. To God be…
The Advisors
Just like kings and generals and politicians, every writer needs a group of advisors. I’m so grateful for mine—and the fact that I didn’t need to look beyond my own household to find them. I…
VOICE OF THE ASHES: a peek inside
For those who want to read about a work-in-progress … For those who have read a little about Voice of the Ashes and want to know more … For those who can’t resist a peek…
Author Interview: TRQT
A friend of mine suggested an interview so my readers could learn more about me. I jumped on the idea and she kindly put together these questions. Have fun reading! How old are you? Twenty-one.…
The Fight for Fiction
The battle is being lost. Oh, not all at once—we’re compromising in small areas, but small areas lead to bigger ones. We’re letting in half-hearted soldiers who may turn traitor. We’re lowering our guns, inch…
The Lens of Poetry
May was poetry month for me and some of my family members. We challenged each other to write a poem a day for the whole month … so if there’s suddenly a lot more poetry…
The Rebel Writer
on bending and breaking rules I’ve picked up many books about writing over the years. I’d hear of a title and think, “Oh, I need that one!” I’d look at lists of recommendations on different…
Guest Post
I’m excited to be able to share this beautiful poem by my friend Tat as my first guest post! It is such a wonderful reminder to surrender ourselves fully to God’s will. Dropping to the…