Here I am, a legend in my hand, My brow furrowed at the odd command. “Take Point C with everything it takes.” The mission is a suicide attempt! I look round at my men, cringe…
Author: T.R.Q.T
The storm has passed Refreshing raindrops rest like Dew upon the grass. A breath of wind rustles Hanging leaves— Gentle breeze. Swallows swoop low Gliding over greening grass First fast, then slow Chirping sparrows, squeaky…
A Peek at Promotion
She came while I was doing sales time at market, and I asked if I could help her with anything. She asked some questions about our products, made a purchase, and was about to leave…
The Privilege
As sons and daughters of God, we have a great privilege: to share the good news of salvation with those who are outside the kingdom. What that looks like is different for each person and…
JUDAH’S BATTLE: a peek inside
November 11th is a day set down by history to be remembered–the day a four-year-nightmare was ended by the strokes of a pen.
Battle Won
My heart reeked of battles fought— Fought on my own. My mind reeled with shaken thoughts; My whole soul groaned. I could not win, my foe would not Accept defeat. Shattered now, the peace I…
It’s hard to believe I can write that. I’ve imagined it for so long, and now that the time has come, I feel like I have no words. But there it is. To God be…
The Advisors
Just like kings and generals and politicians, every writer needs a group of advisors. I’m so grateful for mine—and the fact that I didn’t need to look beyond my own household to find them. I…
VOICE OF THE ASHES: a peek inside
For those who want to read about a work-in-progress … For those who have read a little about Voice of the Ashes and want to know more … For those who can’t resist a peek…
Author Interview: TRQT
A friend of mine suggested an interview so my readers could learn more about me. I jumped on the idea and she kindly put together these questions. Have fun reading! How old are you? Twenty-one.…