Voice of the Ashes

Status: Releasing 2025

“To the stake! And may his accursed book burn with him.”

It is 1555, and Mary I is on England’s throne, trying to stamp out the flames of reform around her. And she’s doing it by lighting more fires.

Nineteen-year-old Laurence Weston comes from a family long vexed by the country’s political turmoil. His father, a Catholic priest, refused to join the Church of England under Henry VIII, refused to align with Edward VI’s Protestant reforms, and refused to give up his family or priesthood when Mary I made clerical marriage illegal.

It’s a hard place for Laurence to be, but at least the Queen will take the country in the right direction.

Or is it the right direction?

A martyr’s words open Laurence’s mind to the truth—and truth always comes with a price. Voice of the Ashes is the story of his journey through the difficult questions of life. A journey fraught with abandonment, loss, and betrayal.

A journey to discover if truth is worth the cost.

Judah’s Battle

Status: First Draft Complete–69,000 words

The sickness rose higher. The time had come … for which he had come.

… bullets into beating hearts …

“Your duty.” The words hovered inside his head. He looked down his rifle’s sight, focusing on one grim, ghastly face. Your duty.

For Canada, the Motherland, and God’s justice—that’s why Judah chose to fight in the war to end all wars. Not for adventure, as Josh did, or for a change of scenery like Nathan.

Duty called, and he would follow.

But when duty beckons him onto the shell-pitted, blood-bathed battlefield—into the thick of that tragedy called war—doubts creep into his mind. And the words of his friend and fellow-soldier, Philip, confuse him even further.

Back in Canada, Lysle is through with life. He has no strength left to fight against the depression that’s clung to him ever since … well, he’s never allowed himself to think back to the time it came. But his brother Judah is the only one who really knew him—not what he felt, because no one could know that, but what he needed. And now Judah is gone and might never come back.

Only fifteen years old—and Lysle is prepared to die.

This is Judah’s journey through the battlefields of World War I—and his own battlefield, where two duties fight for the No Man’s Land of his heart. It will take a tragic moment for the truth to come clear—the realisation of where his duty really lies …

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