what I learned writing my first book I often hear people say, “Oh, I could never write historical fiction. All the research that goes into it …” Mm-hmm. Welcome to my world. Really, historical fiction…
Transparent Treasure
Inspiration is evasive. Here one minute, gone the next. Just when you need it, it runs off, and you can hear it laughing at your shaking fist. Sometimes you don’t even realise it has gone—until…
Novel Ideas
what I learned writing my first book There are two ways to learn something—hearing of it, or experiencing it. And the experiencing often leaves a much deeper imprint on our lives. I didn’t enjoy creative…
Forever Changed
As authors, we write to change readers. Every book you read changes you, whether for good or bad. Every story opens your mind to some new thought, perspective, idea, or understanding. I recently read a…
A Writer’s Thoughts
The words flow from my pen, across the clean white page, And tell the story that is in my mind. But then I wonder when, throughout this day and age, The words I write will…
Fearful of Change
It’s true—most people are afraid of change. You probably are, too. It’s so much easier to stay in the familiar atmosphere of the wilderness than try to conquer the Canaanites. At least you know you’ll…
It’s Greek to Me: the Five Types of Readers
I cannot keep my books a complete secret. I know of people who can, who won’t give me any more answers than whether the main character is a boy or a girl (well, it’s not…
This Day in History: October 31st
“I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, amen.” Martin Luther said these words when on trial before Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, refusing to go against his conscience and recant his…
Reaping Reputations
You sit at your computer, ready to click the awe-inspiring SUBMIT button that will put your manuscript before the eyes of an agent or editor. It’s exciting, relieving, an ‘at last’ moment. And you are…
A Mind of Their Own
Have you ever had a character do or say something you didn’t expect? You knew where the scene was going, but suddenly it twisted as you wrote? I have. In one scene in my novel,…