Glass Pens

Glass Pens

Guest post by Alyson Jensen

Upon receiving the gift, her face lit with a sweet smile. My sister almost immediately pulled out the delicate tool – a glass pen – and dipped it into colored ink. It glided smoothly in her hand across the starch white paper, creating many lines, thick and thin.

We oohed and ahhed over the shiny, intricate tool, and the pretty things she drew with it. 

One would have thought that such a tool was too pretty to be used for daily things, but should be saved for special letters and drawings.

However, my sister is quite willing to use the glass pen for common things. Once, she penned a to-do list, which was promptly crumbled and tossed when the list was completed.

As I contemplated this idea, a thought occurred to me. 

We are like glass pens.

God created us with beauty, intelligence, and meaning. He created us in His image with intricate detail to be a reflection of His glory in the world (Genesis 2:27; Ephesians 4:24).

Should we, then, groan and complain when God uses our lives for common things? Certainly not!

“But who are you, O man, to talk back to God?
Should what is formed say to Him who formed it, 
‘Why did you make me like this?’
Does not the Potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?”
(Romans 9:20-21)

My beginning vision of an authoress involved lots of readers, and tons of copies sold and signed. I had looked at the “successful” authors and authoresses, thinking that is what life was supposed to be like for us.

However, over the past three years of writing and publishing, God has taught me that a noble purpose isn’t about the number of fans or copies sold. It’s about glorifying Him in every single detail.

Penning stories for less than twenty people may seem common.

Whether you’re just beginning to write a story, on the edge of publishing your first work, an avid reader, someone looking for your place to serve in God’s kingdom – whatever your circumstance – let me encourage you today. However common or noble the task may appear, God is penning a story of beauty, meaning, and (ultimately) perfection.

Be willing to let Him guide the pen.

Alyson Jensen is a redeemed daughter of God by the grace of Jesus Christ. After her homeschool graduation, she published her first novel, Chained, and has since published its sequel. She continues to pen epic adventures filled with faith and humor hoping to inspire readers to see the spiritual battle, fight the real enemy, and conquer through Jesus Christ. Alyson also has a blog for Christians who write and pens reviews for Christian books. She lives on a farm in Alabama with her parents and siblings. In their spare time, Alyson and her siblings enjoy building Playmobil castles and houses, and playing strategy board games. Connect with Alyson at her website:

Please note: Though I’m careful about which blogs and websites I share, I have not necessarily read or agreed with everything on them. Read with discretion and test what you read against Scripture.

Published by T.R.Q.T

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